i realize i have all but dropped out of cyber-land. do you miss me? when i miss it enough i shall return. until then-
Harpers Blessing Day
We had a wonderful day on Sunday as Blake blessed our girl. My mom, brother Graham and family, cousin Andy and of course Jillair and Brycen were able to make it. The blessing was sweet and ...just perfect. Although her noggin was a bit too large for the bonnet to fit just right, she looked smashing in her dress-thank you mom! What a lovely thing it is to name and bless your child as it allows you re-reflection on the wonders of life and the blessings of the gospel.
Posted by jennah at 9:59 AM 12 comments
Look how far we've come!
My lil feller has turned "deeew"!!!
Posted by jennah at 4:17 AM 7 comments
Until I find something more important to say...
Just because I can, Im posting these pictures of my kids who I find awfully cute. Agree with me or not there is no changing my mind. No other reason for this post and really no other reason needed.
Posted by jennah at 9:34 AM 6 comments
For the Record
There is a certain person I know who zips around town in one of these:and just for the record, we think she is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by jennah at 8:52 AM 4 comments
Question of the day
Theo spilled some strawberry yogurt on the living room chair 4 days ago. So why is it still there?
Posted by jennah at 8:46 AM 2 comments
3 things I know for sure about one Theo Elliott Shirley:
1. He is the cutest red-head I've ever met (sorry Elise).
2. He is stubborn. Boy is he!
3. His greatest love in life is CANDY!!! or Ganny!!!
WARNING! Video is longer than necessary and may only be funny to me...
Posted by jennah at 5:30 PM 4 comments
How to tell if your a mom
1. You willing allow your kids to take each clean wipe out of the holder because you know it will keep them happy/quiet for about 3 minutes.
2. Your fishing poop, yes poop, out of the bath tub. AND your not even phased because it isn't the first time you've done this and your guessing it wont be the last.
3. You jump out of the shower to respond to the scream of your child only to find out it's because the Emergency Test System has interrupted his Caillou time.
4. Yes, your taking a shower at 12:30 in the afternoon. After all, it's the only time the younger 2 are napping at the same time and a program as stimulating as Caillou will keep your eldest engaged for 1/2 hour.
5. Your coming up with this idea for your next blog post in the shower, after the aforesaid emergency, because it's the only 15 minutes of your day that its quiet enough to think.
6. You've made peace with the fact that you bribe your kids with candy to get through grocery shopping. OK, OK, any shopping, car ride, church, visit to a friends...
7. You've also made peace with the fact that to get through dinner there is a pre-set number of bites of each food on their plate they need to have. At least there are clear expectations for both sides.
8. Dessert happily consists of Ready Whipp sprayed into each mouth. Makes for fewer bowls to clean.
9. You naturally help yourself to the above treat. A few times a day.
10. Your lunch consists of Goldfish crackers, string cheese and juice. And you feel proud knowing it consists of 3 of the 5 food groups!
11. You wipe your child's nose with the bottom of your sweatshirt and don't see the need to change it for the day. After all, you were smart enough to use the inside of it this time. (Don't pretend you haven't done the same)
12. You wish your husband was as satisified with your jeans, t-shirt and sweatshirt combo. you rock each day as you are.
13. You pay the neighbor girl 5 bucks to watch the boys outside for 1/2 hour so you can feed the baby in peace.
14. You feel slightly guilty writing a blog post when you've been dressing your kids from the pile of clothes on the floor in your room because clearly folding and putting away laundry isn't high on your to-do list.
15. You feel slightly more guilty writing a blog post as your child screams for you to get him out of the crib. However, the feeling of gratitude that he hasn't learned to climb out yet over powers that guilt.
15. Only now that all 3 are crying do you feel the need to get off the computer.
Posted by jennah at 9:55 AM 8 comments
Week 5
Going from a 2 to 3 kid mom has forced me into accepting some normally untolerated behaviors and giving in to things I vowed to never do. To make it through the day, we (the boys) often take up to 3 baths, eat candy or cookies with breakfast (note, not for, but with. I do fight some battles...), leave spilled Goldfish, milk, partially eaten apples etc. on the living room floor until bedtime, dig up the front yard, climb onto and into things we shouldn't (as seen below) and various other deviant and socially unacceptable behaviors. As I am forced to relinquish power over things simply because there is not enough of me to go around to fulfill everyones needs, I am noticing what a controll freak I am/was. This may be a good lesson for me in the long run, if I don't crack first. As we approach week 5 with our Harper, things are not getting back to normal, or normal for us, but are becoming more predictable at least. I can live with that.
Though she may be the one to "blame" for throwing us off our rhythm and putting me down in the books as one of "those moms", it's all worth it to look at this beautiful face everyday. We love our Harper.
Posted by jennah at 6:29 AM 7 comments
She's made it safe and sound. Our sweet girl was born February 16th after a very smooth induction. The delivery was great, straightforward with no incident or alarms. She weighed
7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20.5 inches long (oddly the exact specs. of Jack's and born on the same day). She is very peaceful and is recieving plenty of love from her brothers. Theo is quick to kiss her and then give her a little smack or squeeze right after. Jack keeps telling me "good job mom, you made a cute baby". We are enjoying her and feel overwhelming joy and gratitude for being blessed with this beautiful gift from Heavenly Father. We are also feeling grateful for the time others have taken to visit us and for all the help in way of meals and babysitting offers we have recieved from our dear friends and family. Thank You everyone for your love! Just 'cuz he's so cute too...
Posted by jennah at 4:55 PM 14 comments