

She's made it safe and sound. Our sweet girl was born February 16th after a very smooth induction. The delivery was great, straightforward with no incident or alarms. She weighed
7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20.5 inches long (oddly the exact specs. of Jack's and born on the same day). She is very peaceful and is recieving plenty of love from her brothers. Theo is quick to kiss her and then give her a little smack or squeeze right after. Jack keeps telling me "good job mom, you made a cute baby". We are enjoying her and feel overwhelming joy and gratitude for being blessed with this beautiful gift from Heavenly Father. We are also feeling grateful for the time others have taken to visit us and for all the help in way of meals and babysitting offers we have recieved from our dear friends and family. Thank You everyone for your love!

Just 'cuz he's so cute too...


Elise said...

So Beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous! Just perfect. Need I say more...I'm so happy everything went well. Bonnie didn't call us this time so I was wondering. I hope she will be a good sleeper, and very mellow. Congrats.

chaffinclan said...

Congratulations! And I agree with Jack. You do have cute babies. All of them. I can't wait to see her in person.

The Jessee Family said...

WOW!!! She is beautiful! I have been blog-stalking your site waiting for the pictures. Good job guys!! Another adorable Shirley baby!!! Can't wait to see her in person!

Amber Culp Family said...

Love the pics! I am glad the cuties gave you a little time to announce her arrival. I will say it again, she is beautiful, and so lucky to have a family that loves her so! Congrats!

natalie said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! I love what Jack said, he is right on the money. You really do have a cute family.

Lindsey said...

Oh my word, she's gorgeous!Jack is absolutely right--you DID make a cute baby! She looks just perfect. Super cute pics, too. I'm glad that boys seem to love her. Does she look like you when you were a baby? That's my guess. :)Congratulations to all five of you!

Stiles Family-mostly Kristen said...

She's here! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see her.

The Bowes said...

She is so cute and your boys are hilarious!

emilysouthers said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Jennah, you have the most beautiful family.
Emily Southers

Amanda said...

thank you for sharing her with all of us. She was so sweet and content last night..and Jack always cracks me up with his big words and ideas.

You're very on the ball posting about her! Well done.

tarynn said...

Congratulations! She is gorgeous and perfect hmmm...just like her mom! I can't wait to meet her in person.

Babata said...

WOW!!!! She is absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations! :)

steph said...

Congrats! She looks amazing! Good work you guys. I bet she is getting lots of love from everyone. Wish we were closer and able to help out with kids. When will we see you and meet Harper??? Ben's wedding? That is probably too soon eh? Good luck! Hope everyone is adjusting with minimal baby beatings.

Havi Andersen said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful. Hope you're getting lots of sleep & your boys are being angels! :-)

I came across your blog by a web-surfing coincidence. After so many years it's great to know you're doing well. your boys are adorable & your love for them is really apparent. I'd love to "talk" more when you have time. Havilah