
So, "IT" is still an "IT". An uncooperative "IT" at that. AARGH! Sorry to waste your time if you have been checking in to see. The position the baby was in was a tricky one for the tech to see and she? had her? legs crossed most of the time. When she? uncrossed her? legs, the cord was then in the way. Check back November 7th for an update... All else measured just right and that's all that really matters...


tarynn said...

The suspense is killing me! I will definitely be checking back in November :) I'm glad everything looks good with "it" though!

april said...

what?!!! i'm so sorry, jennah. the only good news is that it is more likely to be a girl (going with my "vast" ultrasound experience) if they can't tell, right? i think the boys are more obvious.

Elise said...

lol, lol, lol.....oh well. they say patience is a virtue.

Amanda said...

oh dear! sounds like a very modest little girl who doesn't wish to make her presence known! Too bad we're not in Utah where you can just pay $80 and find out at the mall.

We really all have to wait? I was so excited to go out and buy a cute girl outfit.

I guess I'll have to wait.

Lisa said...

Hey Jennah,
Its Lisa Sonnenberg.
How are you ? I came across your blog on Brenda's and your dad's blog. I just started up mine. its wwwscottandlisablogspot.com
Note: there is NO (dot) after www
I know kind of dumb.
I am going to go private , so if you are wanting to be on my blog send me your email.
Hope your pregnancy is going well.

Elise said...

Ahhh Jennah. I totally miss you! Yeah, move to NM. It's the shiz-nit.... well maybe it's not, but we are here for two more years at least! You know you are the coolest of the Shirley Clan!!!

natalie said...

@ Amanda's comment: Long live fetal fotos!!!
Oh my! If that baby girl of yours comes out with curly red hair, I will be the most jealous girl ever! :)