
Oh the let down.

I was hoping for some good old flops from the much anticipated debate last night and I'm sorry to say I was let down. I even sat down with my biases lined up. I can't say that I was impressed with "Tina" and although there was much dancing around most subjects other than tapping domestic energy sources, and throwing out the "hockey mom's" and "Maverick" more times than anyone could wish to hear, she did OK. I'll give her that. What I really can't bear is to think that she is willing to spend so much of her time doing this VP thing when that little baby, not to mention her other children are hanging in the side-lines motherless. Is that the best decision for her to make? If she isn't living the "family first" that she preaches, how do we believe in her?...
"Say it ain't so" Joe (gag!) did speak with all the wisdom of his many many years in the Senate and I must agree that it's too bad he isn't on the ticket. OK, I'll now try to keep my (limited-ly studied-out) political views to myself. But of course the biggest let down of the night was the no "Office" to brighten my day...


Fecture T. Mice said...

Oh come on...you know all the "Joe six-pack"s live Palin!
You are so political! who knew???

Cindy Clarke said...

jennah jennah jennah...I'm shocked at your ..dare I say..catty vitriol....yikes.....study the issues...look at the candidates values and associations...and she is not lds...she is raising her family with a tremendous amount of support from her husband and extended family...because they see in her a natural gift and catalyst for positive and common sense conservative change.....
love, your ex-liberal, "I've seen the light" mother

tarynn said...

I'm with you on this VP stuff. Palin makes me ill!

Amanda said...

Terry commented on your blog BEFORE me! Maybe I should spend more time with him so he doesn't persue my friends blogs? Just kidding.

I have to agree with you on Palin as well. I'm glad she wasn't a huge embarrassment, but I also wonder if we preach family first, family values...who's raising the kids? I saw that after she had Trig she was back in the office 3 days later with him in a baby swing. I just think we can have it all, but maybe not all at the same time. Hmm...but have you heard all this mess about Obama and his friend who used to bomb FBI buildings? Is there an honest person left to run the country?

I too was gravely disappointed that the Office wasn't on.

Lindsey said...

Good points. I have to say, though, that I choose Palin over Biden. She seems like she's been true to her opinions and platforms, and he has been so quick to do serious 180's in his beliefs since being nominated for VP. Ahhh...tricky voting. Can we just all write in Dwight Schrute for president?? Just kidding...that would be a disaster, too. :)