
The joys of rain and face paints

We love the rain around here.  Poor Theo was napping during this outing which meant I could mostly watch from the porch.  Lucky me.    Jack enjoyed riding his trike up and down the sidewalk aiming to get as soaked as possible.  He was psyched to dig out the old frog boots for the occasion.  I was psyched they still fit.

This creepy fellow is overly excited for Halloween.  I'm insane to start talking it up so early but its hard to hide its advent since all the stores have their stuff out in August.  I don't think the blood was necessary but Blake thought it added a nice touch.  Jack wasn't disappointed.  The more gore and body fluids the better.  Getting it washed off was a bit dramatic though.
This was as far as we could get with old "ants in his pants" Theo.  He didn't fail to deliver his charming smile for me though.  A bit Mansonesque but I love it.


Elise said...

I love Jacks face. So cute despite all the gore. Evan is also totally excited for Halloween. He wants to be a ghost, just a "Really, very scary kind."

april said...

hate to say it, but the blood does kind of complete the face. glad theo gave you that winning smile. really, jennah, how are you suppose to say "no" to that kid.

Lindsey said...

Your kids look precious even with blood and gore! :) What does Jack want to be this year? Eli just came into the room and said, "That's a picture of Jack--my friend." We still miss you, too!

Lindsey said...
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