
The previous pictures basically sum-up what we have been up to lately, ie: not much. Due to the fact that my mom was in town (which means constant photo sessions) I have photos which turned out pretty cute and candid. Otherwise, not too much to say. Happy Mothers Day to all you fantastic mothers out there. Aren't the leaves and blossoms and tulips divine? I'm pretty sure it's no coincidence that their advent corresponds with Mothers Day. Ahhh SPRING! Ahhh MOTHERHOOD!


Em said...

i cant believe how big they are getting! also i love theo's shirt in the last picture!!

steph said...

All three of you guys have gorgeous hair. I have not seen you since you cut yours. Way cute.

Lindsey said...

Oh, Jennah!! What super cute hair!! it looks great on you--way to go for your boldness...it's inspiring!

Bret said...

Cute kids!...and hi.