
We've come a long way as well

My Theo is 5 months old today. I don't know how but it's been the fastest 5 months of my life. I really don't know where the time went. I do know that the first 3 months were awfully rocky and I never imagined that he would turn into this cheery little fella who loves to laugh and smile. These days we have a great time together and in reflection I see that those tough first months just made me appreciate him more. When he is handed quickly back at the first sign of distress and you've got no choice than to just hold him and rock him through the screams, you ask yourself how much more you can take. Then just when it seems too much to handle, he starts to smile! and coo! I'm glad that my friends and family are much more wise and level-headed than I am and knew it would pass. I'm grateful for all their (your!) support and council. My prayers were answered through you. So now we all laugh more than cry and wake up looking forward to our day (even if it does start WAY too early. But that's a different story...) I LOVE YOU THEO!!


Amber Culp Family said...

I am so happy to see Theo's smiles. He is so cute, and you just can't help but want to squeeze him tight. I am glad the crying phase is ending.

april said...

glad theo is past that phase too! i'm amazed at how well you come through it all. you are one dedicated, mom! yes, with smiles like that, i bet theo is easily making you forget all the disturbances he has caused.

side note: amazingly none of my babies were criers, yet one more reason to not press my luck a fifth time.

The Jessee Family said...

Theo is growing up so fast! I love his little face! I can't wait to see his new tricks in person. (We need to get together soon) I am glad to hear that your life is easier these days. I was worried for you. (and for me too!) This gives me hope!

The Jessee Family said...
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Lindsey said...

Yay! Happy 5 months, Theo. I'm so glad he's turned into such a smiley, happy guy. You knew he would. He's so precious! Snuggle his neck and slap his bottom (affectionately) for me!